
The Research Center for Esports Law was officially founded on January 9, 2019 after a pre-founding phase of approximately six months

The research center was founded by Prof. Dr. Martin Maties, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel, Dr. Nepomuk Nothelfer and Dr. Philipp Schlotthauer. All those involved are looking forward to the challenges of a subject that has only been sparsely studied in legal terms.

Since its foundation, the research center has met with great approval 

both from fellow legal researchers and representatives from politics and practice.

The growing (interdisciplinary) interest of university research is also contributing to the fact that electronic sports are gaining more and more acceptance and are increasingly losing the stigma of the "unknown mass phenomenon".

The Team of the FeSR

About the persons



Prof. Dr. Martin Maties has been a professor at the University of Augsburg since 2013. He holds the professorship for Civil Law, Labor/Employment Law, Social Law and Methodology. Since January 2019, he has been director of the Research Center for Esports Law. Prior to this, he was professor at the European Business School (EBS) in Wiesbaden and professor at Universität Hamburg.
  • Education

    Mr. Maties studied (2000), received his doctorate (2003) and habilitation (2011) at the Ruhr University Bochum.

  • Research

    His main research areas are labor/employment law and civil law.

  • Other activities

    His extra-legal commitment includes, among other things, his work as an etiquette trainer, where he teaches young people skills in everyday professional life through lectures and seminars. He is a member of the standing commission for equal opportunities at the University of Augsburg and a member of the examination board of the LJPA Bavaria.

  • Selected Publications (Selection from Esports Law / Overlap)

    • Loot boxes - just a clever market concept or illegal gambling?, coming soon ZfWG 2025
    • Fees in Esports - basics and enforcement, NJW 2025, 255-261, jointly with Martin Ahrens
    • Esports - everything is relative?!, BABl 2024,      245 f. 
    • Toxic Behavior in Esports - Definition and Overview, SpoPrax 2024, 14-19, with the collaboration of Max Wörner
    • Keyword commentary on Esports law, Nomos, 1st ed. Munich, 2023
    • Cheating and Exploiting in Esports (Part 2), SpoPrax 2022, 306-314 (with Simon Püschel)
    • Cheating and Exploiting in Esports (Part 1), SpoPrax 2022, 222-227 (with Simon Püschel)
    • The Admissibility of Online Betting related to Esports Events (with Nepomuk Nothelfer)
    • "Labor Law in Esports", Festschrift for Ulrich Preis on the occasion of his 65th birthday, Munich 2021, pp. 851-866
    • Lootboxes from a Civil Law Perspective,  NJW 2020, pp. 3685-3691
    • "Definition of Terms in Esports Law" in eSport-Recht - Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog, pp. 19-86, Munich 2020
    • Handbook IT and Data Protection Law, 3rd edition 2019, § 37 
    • The Definition of an Employee in the World of Work 4.0, in: Company 4.0, pp. 39-61 (Nomos)
    • beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR on Civil Law, § 611, 611a, 612, 613 and 614 BGB (as at March 1, 2022)
    • The Distribution of Risk after Signing a Contract (habilitation Bochum)
  • Presentations (only related to Esports Law)

    • March 06, 2025, 10:00 to 12:00, panel discussion “Lootboxes - gambling or harmless recreational fun?”, registration for free online participation: here
    • December 05, 2024, 15:00-16:00, lecture at the 36th annual conference of the Fachverband Glücksspielsucht e.V., conference hotel Aquino in Berlin, topic: “Lootboxes as gambling”; long version of the contribution on YouTube
    • July 19, 2024, Topic: “Microtransactions: Lootboxes”, lecture at the 6th Annual Conference of FeSR, University of Augsburg and live on Twitch
    • July 19, 2024, moderation of the 6th annual conference of the FeSR, topic: “Revenue Streams in eSport”, University of Augsburg, Faculty of Law, Room 2001 and live on Twitch
    • July 09, 2024, Topic: “Lootboxes - Lecture on the actual appearance and legal assessment”, in cooperation with the University of Vienna and Schönherr Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Vienna, Austria
    • June 27, 2024, panel discussion at the German Gambling Congress, on the topic: “Loot boxes - child and youth protection in digital media”, The Westin Grand Berlin, Berlin
    • February 28, 2024, Topic: “Lootboxes - Lecture on the actual appearance and legal assessment”, Working Group Lootboxes of the Joint Gambling Authority of the Federal States (GGL), Halle (Saale)
    • November 28, 2023, 6 p.m., topic: “Cheating as a breach of duty under an employment contract!”, in cooperation with the University of Vienna and Stadler Völkel Attorneys at Law, Vienna
    • September 15, 2023, moderation of the 5th conference of the FeSR from the TH Cologne in the Cologne Game Lab and streamed worldwide via Twitch and webstream, general topic: “The integrity of eSports”
    • July 31, 2023, Topic: “Underage Esports -professionals”, Symposium on the protection of minors in eSport, University of Vienna
    • June 29, 2023, Topic: “Cheating as a breach of duty under an employment contract!”, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
    • August 04, 2022, Presentation at the 14th annual event of the Kölner Forum Medienrecht e.V., in the City Hall of Cologne (Spanischer Bau), Council Chamber, Topic: "Esports - From Niche to Big Business"
    • June 03, 2022, Topic: "Lootboxen 2.0 - A Civil and Gambling Law Review", University of Vienna, Alte Kapelle, as part of the symposium "Esport, Sports Betting and Gambling"
    • May 12, 2022, Presentation at the conference: Virtual Items in Computer Games, Topic: "Virtual Items - An Evaluation from the Perspective of Civil Law" at the eSport-Factory in Osnabrück and streamed globally via Twitch
    • October 07, 2021, Presentation at 3rd FeSR conference at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences together with Philipp Schlotthauer on the topic: "Compliance in Esports Law" and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube
    • October 7, 2021, Moderation of the 3rd meeting of the FeSR at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube and Webstream
    • February 04, 2021, Topic: "The Phenomenon of Esports in a Legal Perspective", as part of the Legal Policy Colloquium of the Institute for Legal Policy at the University of Trier (digital via Zoom)
    • September 03, 2020, Topic: "Working Time in Esports", Presentation in the context of the 2nd FeSR conference at the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube and Webstream
    • September 03, 2020, Moderation of the 2nd conference of the FeSR at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube and Webstream incl. own presentation on working time in Esports
    • December 5, 2019, Topic: "Civil Law Problems of Lootboxes" in the context of the conference "Let's play:eSport, Economy and Law" at the University of Vienna
    • November 12, 2019, Topic: "Basics of Esports Law", Rotary eClub Bodensee International, via webcast
    • October 22, 2019, 09.30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sports Law Congress of the University of Applied Management, Topic: "Employment Law in Esports", Bankhaus Donner & Reuschel, Munich
    • July 17, 2019, Topic: "Esports Law - New Legal Territory?", University of Augsburg
    • May 17, 2019, Topic: "Definition of terms in Esports Law", Kick-off conference of the Research Center for Esports Law - Policy, Practice and Science in Dialogue, University of Augsburg
    • April 24, 2019 "Legal Problems of Esports Law", University of Bielefeld

The Team of the FeSR

About the persons



Prof. Dr. Martin Maties has been a professor at the University of Augsburg since 2013. He holds the professorship for Civil Law, Labor/Employment Law, Social Law and Methodology. Since January 2019, he has been director of the Research Center for Esports Law. Prior to this, he was professor at the European Business School (EBS) in Wiesbaden and professor at Universität Hamburg.


Mr. Maties studied (2000), received his doctorate (2003) and habilitation (2011) at the Ruhr University Bochum.


His main research areas are labor/employment law and civil law.

Other activities

His extra-legal commitment includes, among other things, his work as an etiquette trainer, where he teaches young people skills in everyday professional life through lectures and seminars. He is a member of the standing commission for equal opportunities at the University of Augsburg and a member of the examination board of the LJPA Bavaria.

Selected Publications (Selection from Esports Law / Overlap)


  • Loot boxes - just a clever market concept or illegal gambling?, coming soon ZfWG 2025
  • Fees in Esports - basics and enforcement, NJW 2025, 255-261, jointly with Martin Ahrens
  • Esports - everything is relative?!, BABl 2024,      245 f. 
  • Toxic Behavior in Esports - Definition and Overview, SpoPrax 2024, 14-19, with the collaboration of Max Wörner
  • Keyword commentary on Esports law, Nomos, 1st ed. Munich, 2023
  • Cheating and Exploiting in Esports (Part 2), SpoPrax 2022, 306-314 (with Simon Püschel)
  • Cheating and Exploiting in Esports (Part 1), SpoPrax 2022, 222-227 (with Simon Püschel)
  • The Admissibility of Online Betting related to Esports Events (with Nepomuk Nothelfer)
  • "Labor Law in Esports", Festschrift for Ulrich Preis on the occasion of his 65th birthday, Munich 2021, pp. 851-866
  • Lootboxes from a Civil Law Perspective,  NJW 2020, pp. 3685-3691
  • "Definition of Terms in Esports Law" in eSport-Recht - Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog, pp. 19-86, Munich 2020
  • Handbook IT and Data Protection Law, 3rd edition 2019, § 37
  • The Definition of an Employee in the World of Work 4.0, in: Company 4.0, pp. 39-61 (Nomos)
  • beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR on Civil Law, § 611, 611a, 612, 613 and 614 BGB (as at March 1, 2022)
  • The Distribution of Risk after Signing a Contract (habilitation Bochum)


Presentations (only related to Esports Law)

  • March 06, 2025, 10:00 to 12:00, panel discussion “Lootboxes - gambling or harmless recreational fun?”, registration for free online participation: here
  • December 05, 2024, 15:00-16:00, lecture at the 36th annual conference of the Fachverband Glücksspielsucht e.V., conference hotel Aquino in Berlin, topic: “Lootboxes as gambling”; long version of the contribution on YouTube
  • July 19, 2024, Topic: “Microtransactions: Lootboxes”, lecture at the 6th Annual Conference of FeSR, University of Augsburg and live on Twitch
  • July 19, 2024, moderation of the 6th annual conference of the FeSR, topic: “Revenue Streams in eSport”, University of Augsburg, Faculty of Law, Room 2001 and live on Twitch
  • July 09, 2024, Topic: “Lootboxes - Lecture on the actual appearance and legal assessment”, in cooperation with the University of Vienna and Schönherr Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Vienna, Austria
  • June 27, 2024, panel discussion at the German Gambling Congress, on the topic: “Loot boxes - child and youth protection in digital media”, The Westin Grand Berlin, Berlin
  • February 28, 2024, Topic: “Lootboxes - Lecture on the actual appearance and legal assessment”, Working Group Lootboxes of the Joint Gambling Authority of the Federal States (GGL), Halle (Saale)
  • November 28, 2023, 6 p.m., topic: “Cheating as a breach of duty under an employment contract!”, in cooperation with the University of Vienna and Stadler Völkel Attorneys at Law, Vienna
  • September 15, 2023, moderation of the 5th conference of the FeSR from the TH Cologne in the Cologne Game Lab and streamed worldwide via Twitch and webstream, general topic: “The integrity of eSports”
  • July 31, 2023, Topic: “Underage Esports -professionals”, Symposium on the protection of minors in eSport, University of Vienna
  • June 29, 2023, Topic: “Cheating as a breach of duty under an employment contract!”, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
  • August 04, 2022, Presentation at the 14th annual event of the Kölner Forum Medienrecht e.V., in the City Hall of Cologne (Spanischer Bau), Council Chamber, Topic: "Esports - From Niche to Big Business"
  • June 03, 2022, Topic: "Lootboxen 2.0 - A Civil and Gambling Law Review", University of Vienna, Alte Kapelle, as part of the symposium "Esport, Sports Betting and Gambling"
  • May 12, 2022, Presentation at the conference: Virtual Items in Computer Games, Topic: "Virtual Items - An Evaluation from the Perspective of Civil Law" at the eSport-Factory in Osnabrück and streamed globally via Twitch
  • October 07, 2021, Presentation at 3rd FeSR conference at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences together with Philipp Schlotthauer on the topic: "Compliance in Esports Law" and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube
  • October 7, 2021, Moderation of the 3rd meeting of the FeSR at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube and Webstream
  • February 04, 2021, Topic: "The Phenomenon of Esports in a Legal Perspective", as part of the Legal Policy Colloquium of the Institute for Legal Policy at the University of Trier (digital via Zoom)
  • September 03, 2020, Topic: "Working Time in Esports", Presentation in the context of the 2nd FeSR conference at the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube and Webstream
  • September 03, 2020, Moderation of the 2nd conference of the FeSR at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube and Webstream incl. own presentation on working time in Esports
  • December 5, 2019, Topic: "Civil Law Problems of Lootboxes" in the context of the conference "Let's play:eSport, Economy and Law" at the University of Vienna
  • November 12, 2019, Topic: "Basics of Esports Law", Rotary eClub Bodensee International, via webcast
  • October 22, 2019, 09.30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sports Law Congress of the University of Applied Management, Topic: "Employment Law in Esports", Bankhaus Donner & Reuschel, Munich
  • July 17, 2019, Topic: "Esports Law - New Legal Territory?", University of Augsburg
  • May 17, 2019, Topic: "Definition of terms in Esports Law", Kick-off conference of the Research Center for Esports Law - Policy, Practice and Science in Dialogue, University of Augsburg
  • April 24, 2019 "Legal Problems of Esports Law", University of Bielefeld

The Team of the FeSR

About the persons



Prof. Dr. Martin Maties has been a professor at the University of Augsburg since 2013. He holds the professorship for Civil Law, Labor/Employment Law, Social Law and Methodology. Since January 2019, he has been director of the Research Center for Esports Law. Prior to this, he was professor at the European Business School (EBS) in Wiesbaden and professor at Universität Hamburg.


Mr. Maties studied (2000), received his doctorate (2003) and habilitation (2011) at the Ruhr University Bochum.


His main research areas are labor/employment law and civil law.

Other activities

His extra-legal commitment includes, among other things, his work as an etiquette trainer, where he teaches young people skills in everyday professional life through lectures and seminars. He is a member of the standing commission for equal opportunities at the University of Augsburg and a member of the examination board of the LJPA Bavaria.

Selected Publications (Selection from Esports Law / Overlap)


  • Loot boxes - just a clever market concept or illegal gambling?, coming soon ZfWG 2025
  • Fees in Esports - basics and enforcement, NJW 2025, 255-261, jointly with Martin Ahrens
  • Esports - everything is relative?!, BABl 2024,  245 f.
  • Toxic Behavior in Esports - Definition and Overview, SpoPrax 2024, 14-19, with the collaboration of Max Wörner
  • Keyword commentary on Esports law, Nomos, 1st ed. Munich, 2023
  • Cheating and Exploiting in Esports (Part 2), SpoPrax 2022, 306-314 (with Simon Püschel)
  • Cheating and Exploiting in Esports (Part 1), SpoPrax 2022, 222-227 (with Simon Püschel)
  • The Admissibility of Online Betting related to Esports Events (with Nepomuk Nothelfer)
  • "Labor Law in Esports", Festschrift for Ulrich Preis on the occasion of his 65th birthday, Munich 2021, pp. 851-866
  • Lootboxes from a Civil Law Perspective,  NJW 2020, pp. 3685-3691
  • "Definition of Terms in Esports Law" in eSport-Recht - Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog, pp. 19-86, Munich 2020
  • Handbook IT and Data Protection Law, 3rd edition 2019, § 37
  • The Definition of an Employee in the World of Work 4.0, in: Company 4.0, pp. 39-61 (Nomos)
  • beck-online.GROSSKOMMENTAR on Civil Law, § 611, 611a, 612, 613 and 614 BGB (as at March 1, 2022)
  • The Distribution of Risk after Signing a Contract (habilitation Bochum)


Presentations (only related to Esports Law)

  • March 06, 2025, 10:00 to 12:00, panel discussion “Lootboxes - gambling or harmless recreational fun?”, registration for free online participation: here
  • December 05, 2024, 15:00-16:00, lecture at the 36th annual conference of the Fachverband Glücksspielsucht e.V., conference hotel Aquino in Berlin, topic: “Lootboxes as gambling”; long version of the contribution on YouTube
  • July 19, 2024, Topic: “Microtransactions: Lootboxes”, lecture at the 6th Annual Conference of FeSR, University of Augsburg and live on Twitch
  • July 19, 2024, moderation of the 6th annual conference of the FeSR, topic: “Revenue Streams in eSport”, University of Augsburg, Faculty of Law, Room 2001 and live on Twitch
  • July 09, 2024, Topic: “Lootboxes - Lecture on the actual appearance and legal assessment”, in cooperation with the University of Vienna and Schönherr Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Vienna, Austria
  • June 27, 2024, panel discussion at the German Gambling Congress, on the topic: “Loot boxes - child and youth protection in digital media”, The Westin Grand Berlin, Berlin
  • February 28, 2024, Topic: “Lootboxes - Lecture on the actual appearance and legal assessment”, Working Group Lootboxes of the Joint Gambling Authority of the Federal States (GGL), Halle (Saale)
  • November 28, 2023, 6 p.m., topic: “Cheating as a breach of duty under an employment contract!”, in cooperation with the University of Vienna and Stadler Völkel Attorneys at Law, Vienna
  • September 15, 2023, moderation of the 5th conference of the FeSR from the TH Cologne in the Cologne Game Lab and streamed worldwide via Twitch and webstream, general topic: “The integrity of eSports”
  • July 31, 2023, Topic: “Underage Esports -professionals”, Symposium on the protection of minors in eSport, University of Vienna
  • June 29, 2023, Topic: “Cheating as a breach of duty under an employment contract!”, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
  • August 04, 2022, Presentation at the 14th annual event of the Kölner Forum Medienrecht e.V., in the City Hall of Cologne (Spanischer Bau), Council Chamber, Topic: "Esports - From Niche to Big Business"
  • June 03, 2022, Topic: "Lootboxen 2.0 - A Civil and Gambling Law Review", University of Vienna, Alte Kapelle, as part of the symposium "Esport, Sports Betting and Gambling"
  • May 12, 2022, Presentation at the conference: Virtual Items in Computer Games, Topic: "Virtual Items - An Evaluation from the Perspective of Civil Law" at the eSport-Factory in Osnabrück and streamed globally via Twitch
  • October 07, 2021, Presentation at 3rd FeSR conference at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences together with Philipp Schlotthauer on the topic: "Compliance in Esports Law" and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube
  • October 7, 2021, Moderation of the 3rd meeting of the FeSR at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube and Webstream
  • February 04, 2021, Topic: "The Phenomenon of Esports in a Legal Perspective", as part of the Legal Policy Colloquium of the Institute for Legal Policy at the University of Trier (digital via Zoom)
  • September 03, 2020, Topic: "Working Time in Esports", Presentation in the context of the 2nd FeSR conference at the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube and Webstream
  • September 03, 2020, Moderation of the 2nd conference of the FeSR at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and streamed globally via Twitch, Youtube and Webstream incl. own presentation on working time in Esports
  • December 5, 2019, Topic: "Civil Law Problems of Lootboxes" in the context of the conference "Let's play:eSport, Economy and Law" at the University of Vienna
  • November 12, 2019, Topic: "Basics of Esports Law", Rotary eClub Bodensee International, via webcast
  • October 22, 2019, 09.30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sports Law Congress of the University of Applied Management, Topic: "Employment Law in Esports", Bankhaus Donner & Reuschel, Munich
  • July 17, 2019, Topic: "Esports Law - New Legal Territory?", University of Augsburg
  • May 17, 2019, Topic: "Definition of terms in Esports Law", Kick-off conference of the Research Center for Esports Law - Policy, Practice and Science in Dialogue, University of Augsburg
  • April 24, 2019 "Legal Problems of Esports Law", University of Bielefeld



Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel has been professor for German, European and International Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law, Medical Criminal Law and Corporate Criminal Law at the University of Augsburg since 2017. He also directs the Research Center for Corporate Criminal Law. Previously, he was a professor at the University of Cologne for four years and managing director of the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law there.
  • Education

    Mr. Kubiciel studied law in Bonn, Freiburg i. Br. and Granada/Spain, received his doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg (2002) and his habilitation at the Universität Regensburg (2012). 

  • Research

    His main research areas are commercial, corporate and sports criminal law.

  • Other activities

    For more than ten years, Mr. Kubiciel has advised international organizations (Council of Europe, UN, OECD) as well as the European Commission in the areas of anti-corruption policy, commercial criminal law and compliance. He regularly works as an expert for the Legal Committee of the German Bundestag and various state parliaments and advises or defends associations and companies or their employees.

  • Selected Publications
    • Integrity Risks in Eports and Applicable Criminal Law, Conference proceedings: eSport-Recht – Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog, pp. 87-100
    • Development of Esports and Protection of its Integrity, ZRP 2019, pp. 200-203
    • Unknown Risks of Criminal Liability in Professional Sports due to the New Version of § 299 StGB, with Dalinger, SpuRt 2019, pp. 17-21 
    • Dimensions of Responsibility in sports, SpuRt 2019, pp. 23f. 
    • Book: Corruption in Sports, with E. Hoven, Nomos 2018
    • The Criminal Offences of Sports Betting Fraud and Manipulation of Professional Sports Competitions, in: Kubiciel/Hoven (Eds.) Corruption in Sports, 2018, pp. 61-86
    • Integrity of Sports - Specification of a Concept, KriPoZ 2018, pp. 28-31 
    • The Prohibition of Online Casinos from a Constitutional and Union Law Perspective, NVwZ 2018, pp. 841-846 
    • Union Law Requirements for the Prohibition of Online Casinos, EuZW 2017, pp. 494-501 
    • New Liability Risks for Associations: Criminal Offences against Sports Betting Fraud and Game Manipulation, SpuRt 2017, pp. 188-193 
    • Legitimation, Scope and Interpretation of Criminal Offences against Sports Betting Fraud and Manipulation of Professional Sports Competitions, WiJ 2016, pp. 256-266 
    • The End of the Summer's Fairy Tale - Criminality of Corrupt Influence on the Awarding of Major Sporting Events, with E. Hoven and M. Wassmer, NZWiSt 2016, pp. 121-127 
    • Fight against Corruption in Sports: The Criminal Offences of Sports Betting Fraud and Manipulation of Professional Sports Competitions, jurisPR-StrafR 3/2016
    • Betting and Fraud - On Implied Deception, HRRS 2007, pp. 68-71 



Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel has been professor for German, European and International Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law, Medical Criminal Law and Corporate Criminal Law at the University of Augsburg since 2017. He also directs the Research Center for Corporate Criminal Law. Previously, he was a professor at the University of Cologne for four years and managing director of the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law there.


Mr. Kubiciel studied law in Bonn, Freiburg i. Br. and Granada/Spain, received his doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg (2002) and his habilitation at the Universität Regensburg (2012). 


His main research areas are commercial, corporate and sports criminal law.

Other activities

For more than ten years, Mr. Kubiciel has advised international organizations (Council of Europe, UN, OECD) as well as the European Commission in the areas of anti-corruption policy, commercial criminal law and compliance. He regularly works as an expert for the Legal Committee of the German Bundestag and various state parliaments and advises or defends associations and companies or their employees.


  • Development of Esports and Protection of its Integrity, ZRP 2019, pp. 200-203
  • Unknown Risks of Criminal Liability in Professional Sports due to the New Version of § 299 StGB, with Dalinger, SpuRt 2019, pp. 17-21 
  • Dimensions of Responsibility in sports, SpuRt 2019, pp. 23f. 
  • Book: Corruption in Sports, with E. Hoven, Nomos 2018
  • The Criminal Offences of Sports Betting Fraud and Manipulation of Professional Sports Competitions, in: Kubiciel/Hoven (Eds.) Corruption in Sports, 2018, pp. 61-86
  • Integrity of Sports - Specification of a Concept, KriPoZ 2018, pp. 28-31 
  • The Prohibition of Online Casinos from a Constitutional and Union Law Perspective, NVwZ 2018, pp. 841-846 
  • Union Law Requirements for the Prohibition of Online Casinos, EuZW 2017, pp. 494-501 
  • New Liability Risks for Associations: Criminal Offences against Sports Betting Fraud and Game Manipulation, SpuRt 2017, pp. 188-193 
  • Legitimation, Scope and Interpretation of Criminal Offences against Sports Betting Fraud and Manipulation of Professional Sports Competitions, WiJ 2016, pp. 256-266 
  • The End of the Summer's Fairy Tale - Criminality of Corrupt Influence on the Awarding of Major Sporting Events, with E. Hoven and M. Wassmer, NZWiSt 2016, pp. 121-127 
  • Fight against Corruption in Sports: The Criminal Offences of Sports Betting Fraud and Manipulation of Professional Sports Competitions, jurisPR-StrafR 3/2016
  • Betting and Fraud - On Implied Deception, HRRS 2007, pp. 68-71 



Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel has been professor for German, European and International Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law, Medical Criminal Law and Corporate Criminal Law at the University of Augsburg since 2017. He also directs the Research Center for Corporate Criminal Law. Previously, he was a professor at the University of Cologne for four years and managing director of the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law there.


Mr. Kubiciel studied law in Bonn, Freiburg i. Br. and Granada/Spain, received his doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg (2002) and his habilitation at the Universität Regensburg (2012). 


His main research areas are commercial, corporate and sports criminal law.

Other activities

For more than ten years, Mr. Kubiciel has advised international organizations (Council of Europe, UN, OECD) as well as the European Commission in the areas of anti-corruption policy, commercial criminal law and compliance. He regularly works as an expert for the Legal Committee of the German Bundestag and various state parliaments and advises or defends associations and companies or their employees.

Selected Publications 

  • Integrity Risks in Eports and Applicable Criminal Law, Conference proceedings: eSport-Recht – Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog, pp. 87-100
  • Development of Esports and Protection of its Integrity, ZRP 2019, pp. 200-203
  • Unknown Risks of Criminal Liability in Professional Sports due to the New Version of § 299 StGB, with Dalinger, SpuRt 2019, pp. 17-21 
  • Dimensions of Responsibility in sports, SpuRt 2019, pp. 23f. 
  • Book: Corruption in Sports, with E. Hoven, Nomos 2018
  • The Criminal Offences of Sports Betting Fraud and Manipulation of Professional Sports Competitions, in: Kubiciel/Hoven (Eds.) Corruption in Sports, 2018, pp. 61-86
  • Integrity of Sports - Specification of a Concept, KriPoZ 2018, pp. 28-31 
  • The Prohibition of Online Casinos from a Constitutional and Union Law Perspective, NVwZ 2018, pp. 841-846 
  • Union Law Requirements for the Prohibition of Online Casinos, EuZW 2017, pp. 494-501 
  • New Liability Risks for Associations: Criminal Offences against Sports Betting Fraud and Game Manipulation, SpuRt 2017, pp. 188-193 
  • Legitimation, Scope and Interpretation of Criminal Offences against Sports Betting Fraud and Manipulation of Professional Sports Competitions, WiJ 2016, pp. 256-266 
  • The End of the Summer's Fairy Tale - Criminality of Corrupt Influence on the Awarding of Major Sporting Events, with E. Hoven and M. Wassmer, NZWiSt 2016, pp. 121-127 
  • Fight against Corruption in Sports: The Criminal Offences of Sports Betting Fraud and Manipulation of Professional Sports Competitions, jurisPR-StrafR 3/2016
  • Betting and Fraud - On Implied Deception, HRRS 2007, pp. 68-71 



Dr. Philipp Schlotthauer is a research assistant and doctoral candidate working for Prof. Dr. Martin Maties at the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg. 

After studying law (with a focus on labor/employment and corporate law) at the University of Augsburg, he passed the First Legal Examination in 2018 with state honors. Subsequently, he started working as a research assistant. As part of this work, he works, researches and teaches in civil law and labor/employment law with a focus on (e)Sports. The topic of his doctoral thesis is esports from the perspective of labor/employment law.

Other activities

In addition to his work at the university, Dr. Schlotthauer is a lecturer at the Volkshochschule Augsburg and the University of Applied Management. He is also co-founder of the Research Center for Esports Law.


  • Arbeitnehmer im Mannschafts-eSport - Die Bestimmung des Phänomens eSport und die Einordnung neuer Tätigkeiten des eSports in das deutsche Arbeitsrecht unter Berücksichtigung der vielzähligen im eSport auftretenden Akteure (Employees in team Esports - The definition of the phenomenon of Esports and the classification of new activities of Esports in the German labor law, taking into account the multiple actors appearing in Esports) (Doctoral Thesis)
  • Besonderheiten bei der Gestaltung des eSport-Sponsoringvertrags (Specifics of Drafting an Esports Sponsorship Agreement), Conference proceedings: eSport-Recht – Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog, pp. 179 - 208 (Esports Law – Politics, Practice and Science in Dialogue)
  • (e)Sport im rechtlichen Sinne und privatrechtliche Beziehung zwischen Clan und eSportler ((e)Sports in the Legal Sense and the Relationship between Clan and eAthlete under Civil Law), with Nothelfer, Handbook: eSport – Status quo und Entwicklungspotenziale, pp. 49-78
  • Der Arbeitnehmer im professionellen eSport (The Employee in Professional Esports), with Francken/Nothelfer, NZA 2019, pp. 865-870
  • Die Mehrarbeitsanordnung als Arbeitskampfmittel (The Overtime Order as a Tool of Job Action), with Nothelfer, SAE 2019, pp. 63-70



Simon Püschel is a research assistant and doctoral student of Prof. Dr. Martin Maties at the Faculty of Law at the University of Augsburg.

Simon Püschel passed his first law exam in June 2022 after studying at the University of Augsburg. His studies were funded by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and the Max Weber Program Bavaria. Since August 2022, he has been working as a research assistant for Prof. Dr. Martin Maties and researches and teaches civil law, particularly at the interface with digitalization, as well as Esports and sports law.

Simon Püschel's dissertation project (“Besitzschutz bei digitalen Gegenständen”) is funded by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and the Marianne Plehn Program of the ENB.

Other activities

Simon Püschel is involved in a wide range of voluntary work in sport, church and society and is active on various committees. In particular, he was involved in the founding of several Esports teams and worked for many years as a coordinator and tournament organizer for local Esports organizations. He is also a lecturer and voluntary consultant in tenancy law at the Law Clinc Augsburg.


Selected Publications

  1. Cheating und Exploiting im eSport (Teil 1), SpoPrax 2022, S. 222-227 (with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties)
  2. Cheating und Exploiting im eSport (Teil 2), SpoPrax 2022, S. 306-313 (with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties)
  3. Maties (Hrsg.), Stichwortkommentar eSport-Recht (Nomos, 2023): 23. Bug; 25. Cheating, allgemein; 26. Cheating, Begriff; 28. Cheating, Zivilrecht AT (with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties); 29. Cheating, Zivilrecht BT (with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties); 40. Duping; 49. Exploiting, allgemein und Zivilrecht; 63. Leaving; 70. Matchfixing, Zivilrecht; 85. Skin (with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties); 102. Teaming
  4. Die Bedeutung der USK-Einstufung für den eSport (The significance of the USK rating [age rating] for Esports), SpoPrax 2023, S. 382-387
  5. E-Sport-Recht? – Das Verhältnis von E-Sport und Recht sowie die klassische Frage nach der Gemeinnützigkeit des E-Sports (Esports law? - The relationship between Esports and the law and the classic question of the non-profit status of e-sports under german law), BJR Sonderausgabe 01/2024, S. 24-30

Selected Lectures

  1. „Die Bedeutung der USK-Einstufung für den eSport“ (The significance of the USK rating [age rating] for Esports), Symposium Jugendschutz im eSport, 2023, Wien
  2. „Boosting – unfair, unerwünscht, illegal?“ (Boosting - unfair, undesired, illegal?), 5. Jahrestagung der Forschungsstelle für eSport-Recht (FeSR), 2023, Köln
  3. „Bugs auf großer Bühne“ (Bugs on the big stage), Symposium zu neuen Tendenzen im eSport-Recht, 2023, Wien
  4. „Virtueller ‚Besitzschutz‘ im BGB?“ (Virtual 'protection of posession' in the BGB), Symposium zu Recht virtuellen Gegenständen und Lootboxen, 2024, Wien
  5. „Gemeinnützigkeit des eSports: Analyse einer endlosen Debatte“ (Non-profit status of eSports: analysis of an endless debate), 6. Jahrestagung der Forschungsstelle für eSport-Recht (FeSR), 2024, Augsburg



Dr. Philipp Schlotthauer is a research assistant and doctoral candidate working for Prof. Dr. Martin Maties at the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg. 

After studying law (with a focus on labor/employment and corporate law) at the University of Augsburg, he passed the First Legal Examination in 2018 with state honors. Subsequently, he started working as a research assistant. As part of this work, he works, researches and teaches in civil law and labor/employment law with a focus on (e)Sports. The topic of his doctoral thesis is esports from the perspective of labor/employment law.

Other activities

In addition to his university activities, Dr. Schlotthauer is a lecturer for civil and administrative law at the Volkshochschule Augsburg. He is also auditor of the Lawyers Club e.V.


  • Arbeitnehmer im Mannschafts-eSport - Die Bestimmung des Phänomens eSport und die Einordnung neuer Tätigkeiten des eSports in das deutsche Arbeitsrecht unter Berücksichtigung der vielzähligen im eSport auftretenden Akteure (Employees in team Esports - The definition of the phenomenon of Esports and the classification of new activities of Esports in the German labor law, taking into account the multiple actors appearing in Esports) (Doctoral Thesis)
  • Besonderheiten bei der Gestaltung des eSport-Sponsoringvertrags (Specifics of Drafting an Esports Sponsorship Agreement), Conference proceedings: eSport-Recht – Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog, pp. 179 - 208 (Esports Law – Politics, Practice and Science in Dialogue)
  • (e)Sport im rechtlichen Sinne und privatrechtliche Beziehung zwischen Clan und eSportler ((e)Sports in the Legal Sense and the Relationship between Clan and eAthlete under Civil Law), with Nothelfer, Handbook: eSport – Status quo und Entwicklungspotenziale, pp. 49-78
  • Der Arbeitnehmer im professionellen eSport (The Employee in Professional Esports), with Francken/Nothelfer, NZA 2019, pp. 865-870
  • Die Mehrarbeitsanordnung als Arbeitskampfmittel (The Overtime Order as a Tool of Job Action), with Nothelfer, SAE 2019, pp. 63-70



Simon Püschel is a research assistant and doctoral candidate for Prof. Dr. Martin Maties at the Law Faculty of the University of Augsburg.

Simon Püschel passed his First Legal Examination in June 2022 after graduating from the University of Augsburg. His studies were funded by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and the Max-Weber-Programm Bayern. Since August 2022, he has been working as a research assistant for Prof. Dr. Martin Maties, researching and teaching in civil law as well as in the interdisciplinary fields of Esports and sports law.

Other activities

Simon Püschel is a churchwarden at the Dreifaltigkeitskirche Bobingen, sports administrator of the tennis department of the SSV Bobingen as well as founding member and first chairman of the Esports club BroccoLee e.V. He is also co-founder of the university Esports team LUNA Augsburg and is involved in the Law Clinc Augsburg.


  • Cheating und Exploiting im eSport (Teil 1) (Cheating and Exploiting in Esports (Part 1)) with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties, SpoPrax 2022, 222
  • Cheating und Exploiting im eSport (Teil 2), (Cheating and Exploiting in Esports (Part 2)) with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties, SpoPrax 2022, 306
  • Stichworte „Bug“, „Cheating, Allgemeines“, „Duping“, „Exploiting“, „Leaving“, „Match-Fixing, Zivilrecht“, „Teaming“ (Keywords "Bug," "Cheating, General," "Duping," "Exploiting," "Leaving," "Match-Fixing, Civil Law," "Teaming") in Maties (Ed.), Stichwortkommentar eSport-Recht (2023, forthcoming)

The student assistants

of the FeSR

The student assistants of the FeSR



Dr. Philipp Schlotthauer is a research assistant and doctoral candidate working for Prof. Dr. Martin Maties at the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg. 

After studying law (with a focus on labor/employment and corporate law) at the University of Augsburg, he passed the First Legal Examination in 2018 with state honors. Subsequently, he started working as a research assistant. As part of this work, he works, researches and teaches in civil law and labor/employment law with a focus on (e)Sports. The topic of his doctoral thesis is esports from the perspective of labor/employment law.

  • Other activities

    In addition to his work at the university, Dr. Schlotthauer is a lecturer at the Volkshochschule Augsburg and the University of Applied Management. He is also co-founder of the Research Center for Esports Law.

  • Selected Publications

    • Arbeitnehmer im Mannschafts-eSport - Die Bestimmung des Phänomens eSport und die Einordnung neuer Tätigkeiten des eSports in das deutsche Arbeitsrecht unter Berücksichtigung der vielzähligen im eSport auftretenden Akteure (Employees in team Esports - The definition of the phenomenon of Esports and the classification of new activities of Esports in the German labor law, taking into account the multiple actors appearing in Esports) (Doctoral Thesis)
    • Besonderheiten bei der Gestaltung des eSport-Sponsoringvertrags (Specifics of Drafting an Esports Sponsorship Agreement), Conference proceedings: eSport-Recht – Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog, pp. 179 - 208 (Esports Law – Politics, Practice and Science in Dialogue)
    • (e)Sport im rechtlichen Sinne und privatrechtliche Beziehung zwischen Clan und eSportler ((e)Sports in the Legal Sense and the Relationship between Clan and eAthlete under Civil Law), with Nothelfer, Handbook: eSport – Status quo und Entwicklungspotenziale, pp. 49-78
    • Der Arbeitnehmer im professionellen eSport (The Employee in Professional Esports), with Francken/Nothelfer, NZA 2019, pp. 865-870
    • Die Mehrarbeitsanordnung als Arbeitskampfmittel (The Overtime Order as a Tool of Job Action), with Nothelfer, SAE 2019, pp. 63-70



Simon Püschel is a research assistant and doctoral candidate for Prof. Dr. Martin Maties at the Law Faculty of the University of Augsburg.

Simon Püschel passed his First Legal Examination in June 2022 after graduating from the University of Augsburg. His studies were funded by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and the Max-Weber-Programm Bayern. Since August 2022, he has been working as a research assistant for Prof. Dr. Martin Maties, researching and teaching in civil law as well as in the interdisciplinary fields of Esports and sports law.

  • Other activities

    Simon Püschel is a churchwarden at the Dreifaltigkeitskirche Bobingen, sports administrator of the tennis department of the SSV Bobingen as well as founding member and first chairman of the Esports club BroccoLee e.V. He is also co-founder of the university Esports team LUNA Augsburg and is involved in the Law Clinc Augsburg.

  • Selected Publications

    • Cheating und Exploiting im eSport (Teil 1) (Cheating and Exploiting in Esports (Part 1)) with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties, SpoPrax 2022, 222
    • Cheating und Exploiting im eSport (Teil 2), (Cheating and Exploiting in Esports (Part 2)) with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties, SpoPrax 2022, 306
    • Stichworte „Bug“, „Cheating, Allgemeines“, „Duping“, „Exploiting“, „Leaving“, „Match-Fixing, Zivilrecht“, „Teaming“ (Keywords "Bug," "Cheating, General," "Duping," "Exploiting," "Leaving," "Match-Fixing, Civil Law," "Teaming") in Maties (Ed.), Stichwortkommentar eSport-Recht (2023, forthcoming)

The Former Members of the FeSR

The Former Members of the FeSR



After studying law at the University of Augsburg, Dr. Nothelfer passed the First Law Exam with state honors in 2016 and subsequently worked as a research assistant at the chair of Prof. Maties until 2021. He is currently working at the law firm SKW Schwarz and is completing his legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court (Hamburg).

Activities regarding Esports

Dr. Nothelfer works, researches and lectures i.a. in the areas of civil, labor/employment and gambling law with a focus on esports and gaming as well as (traditional) sports. He is co-founder of the FeSR, the Esports Research Networks as well as the scientific advisory board of the German Esports Federation. Furthermore, he was an editorial board member of the International Journal of Esports and an editorial board member as well as editor of the German legal journal for Sports and Esports Law in Practice. In addition to his work for SKW Schwarz, he advises various (inter-)national stakeholders in esports, gaming, sports and politics (e.g. the European Parliament or European Lotteries).

Other activities

Dr. Nothelfer is a lecturer at the International University of Monaco, the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economia in Madrid and Barcelona, the Verwaltungs- und Wirtschafts-Akademie Ostbayern/Schwaben as well as guest lecturer at various leading (inter)national academic institutions like the University of Vienna. From 2017 to 2020, he served as a member of the 25th and 26th faculty council and as the institute coordinator for civil law mid-level teaching of the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg as well as a member of the academic council of the University.


  • „Defining and Spelling Esports”, Routledge Handbook of Esports, 2024, p. 6-18 with Dr. Seth E. Jenny und Dr. Nicolas Besombes
  • „Eine Einführung ins E-Sport-Recht - Kennzeichen der Branche und rechtliche Implikationen“ (An Introduction to Esports Law - Industry Characteristics and Legal Consequences), E-Sports-Management Handbook, 2024, p. 41-72 with Dr. Philipp Schlotthauer
  • „Die Inkorporation des eSports in das deutsche Rechtssystem – Definition, rechtlicher Status Quo und Regelungsansätze” (The Incorporation of Esports into the German Legal System - Definition, Legal Status Quo and Regulatory Approaches) (Doctoral Thesis)
  • „Background Analysis on Esports“ for the European Parliament, 2022, with Dr. Tobias M. Scholz
  • „Policy Recommendation on Esports“ for the European Parliament, 2022, with Dr. Tobias M. Scholz
  • „Die Verletzung der Wettkampfintegrität im eSport durch Umgehen spielinterner Ranking-Systeme“ (= The Violation of Competitive Integrity in Esports Through Circumventing In-Game Ranking Systems), SpoPrax 2022, pp. 341-347, with Daniel Trunk
  • „Virtuelle Sportsimulationen in verbands- und rechtspolitischer Hinsicht” (= Virtual Sports Simulations in the Context of Association and Legislative Policies), SpoPrax 2022, pp. 66-72, with Daniel Trunk
  • „(e)Sport im rechtlichen Sinne und privatrechtliche Beziehung zwischen Clan und eSportler“ (= (E)Sports in the Legal Sense and the Relationship between Clan and Player under Civil Law; already in 2nd edition), in: E-Sport – Status quo und Entwicklungspotenziale, 2. Ed. 2022, pp. 49-80, with Philipp Schlotthauer
  • „Wetten auf eSport-Ereignisse in Deutschland und Österreich“ (= Betting on Esports Events in Germany and Austria), SpoPrax 2022, pp. 20-25, with Patrick Petschinka
  • „Der sozialversicherungsrechtliche Status von E-Sportlern“ (= The Status of Esports Players under Social Security Law), NZS 2021, pp. 918-922, with Christian Koops
  • „eSport im Fadenkreuz der Sportwettensteuer – Eine Analyse des § 15 RennwLottDV-E“ (= Esports in the Crosshairs of Sports Betting Tax Regulation - An Analysis of § 15 RennwLottDV-E), SpoPrax 2021, pp. 116-123, with Dr. Lennart Brüggemann
  • „Die Bundesregierung zur Förderung des eSports in Deutschland – Antwort auf BT-Drs. 19/28730” (= The Federal Government on the Promotion of Esports in Germany - Response to BT-Drs. 19/28730), SpoPrax 2021, pp. 124-127
  • „Zulässigkeit von Wetten auf eSport-Ereignisse nach deutschem Glücksspielrecht“ (= Admissibility of Bets on Esports Events Under German Gambling Law), ZfWG 2021, pp. 128-137, with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties
  • „Das Versäumnis des Gesetzgebers in der Causa eSport und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Praxis“ (= The Legislator's Shortcoming Regarding Esports and its Impact on Practice), SpoPrax 2021, pp. 26-31, with Patrick Petschinka
  • „Das deutsche eSport-Visum (Teil II) - Eine kritische Analyse des § 22 Nr. 5 BeschV“ (= The German Esports Visa (Part II) - A Critical Analysis of § 22 No. 5 BeschV), LR 2020, pp. 276-283
  • „Das deutsche eSport-Visum (Teil I) - Eine kritische Analyse des § 22 Nr. 5 BeschV“ (= The German Esports Visa (Part I) - A Critical Analysis of § 22 No. 5 BeschV), LR 2020, pp. 266-275
  • „Die Anwendbarkeit des technischen Arbeitsschutzrechts bei spielbezogenen eSport-Tätigkeiten“ (= The Applicability of Technical Occupational Safety to Game-Related Esports Activities), RdA 2020, pp. 211-220, with Dr. Simge Kurt
  • „Grenzen der Vertragsgestaltung im eSport am Beispiel Tfue vs. FaZe Clan“ (= Limits of Contract Drafting in Esports Based on the Example of Tfue vs. FaZe Clan), in: eSport-Recht – Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog“, 2020, pp. 209-247, with Max Wörner
  • „Der Arbeitnehmer im professionellen eSport (= The Employee in Professional Esports), NZA 2019, pp. 865-870, with Prof. Dr. Johannes Peter Francken and Philipp Schlotthauer



After studying law at the University of Augsburg, Dr. Nothelfer passed the First Law Exam with state honors in 2016 and subsequently worked as a research assistant at the chair of Prof. Maties until 2021. He is currently working at the law firm SKW Schwarz and is completing his legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court (Hamburg).

Activities regarding Esports

Dr. Nothelfer works, researches and lectures i.a. in the areas of civil, labor/employment and gambling law with a focus on esports and gaming as well as (traditional) sports. He is co-founder of the FeSR, the Esports Research Networks as well as the scientific advisory board of the German Esports Federation. Furthermore, he was an editorial board member of the International Journal of Esports and an editorial board member as well as editor of the German legal journal for Sports and Esports Law in Practice. In addition to his work for SKW Schwarz, he advises various (inter-)national stakeholders in esports, gaming, sports and politics (e.g. the European Parliament or European Lotteries).

Other activities

Dr. Nothelfer is a lecturer at the International University of Monaco, the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economia in Madrid and Barcelona, the Verwaltungs- und Wirtschafts-Akademie Ostbayern/Schwaben as well as guest lecturer at various leading (inter)national academic institutions like the University of Vienna. From 2017 to 2020, he served as a member of the 25th and 26th faculty council and as the institute coordinator for civil law mid-level teaching of the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg as well as a member of the academic council of the University.


  • „Defining and Spelling Esports”, Routledge Handbook of Esports, 2024, p. 6-18 with Dr. Seth E. Jenny und Dr. Nicolas Besombes
  • „Eine Einführung ins E-Sport-Recht - Kennzeichen der Branche und rechtliche Implikationen“ (An Introduction to Esports Law - Industry Characteristics and Legal Consequences), E-Sports-Management Handbook, 2024, p. 41-72 with Dr. Philipp Schlotthauer
  • „Die Inkorporation des eSports in das deutsche Rechtssystem – Definition, rechtlicher Status Quo und Regelungsansätze” (The Incorporation of Esports into the German Legal System - Definition, Legal Status Quo and Regulatory Approaches) (Doctoral Thesis)
  • „Background Analysis on Esports“ for the European Parliament, 2022, with Dr. Tobias M. Scholz
  • „Policy Recommendation on Esports“ for the European Parliament, 2022, with Dr. Tobias M. Scholz
  • „Die Verletzung der Wettkampfintegrität im eSport durch Umgehen spielinterner Ranking-Systeme“ (= The Violation of Competitive Integrity in Esports Through Circumventing In-Game Ranking Systems), SpoPrax 2022, pp. 341-347, with Daniel Trunk
  • „Virtuelle Sportsimulationen in verbands- und rechtspolitischer Hinsicht” (= Virtual Sports Simulations in the Context of Association and Legislative Policies), SpoPrax 2022, pp. 66-72, with Daniel Trunk
  • „(e)Sport im rechtlichen Sinne und privatrechtliche Beziehung zwischen Clan und eSportler“ (= (E)Sports in the Legal Sense and the Relationship between Clan and Player under Civil Law; already in 2nd edition), in: E-Sport – Status quo und Entwicklungspotenziale, 2. Ed. 2022, pp. 49-80, with Philipp Schlotthauer
  • „Wetten auf eSport-Ereignisse in Deutschland und Österreich“ (= Betting on Esports Events in Germany and Austria), SpoPrax 2022, pp. 20-25, with Patrick Petschinka
  • „Der sozialversicherungsrechtliche Status von E-Sportlern“ (= The Status of Esports Players under Social Security Law), NZS 2021, pp. 918-922, with Christian Koops
  • „eSport im Fadenkreuz der Sportwettensteuer – Eine Analyse des § 15 RennwLottDV-E“ (= Esports in the Crosshairs of Sports Betting Tax Regulation - An Analysis of § 15 RennwLottDV-E), SpoPrax 2021, pp. 116-123, with Dr. Lennart Brüggemann
  • „Die Bundesregierung zur Förderung des eSports in Deutschland – Antwort auf BT-Drs. 19/28730” (= The Federal Government on the Promotion of Esports in Germany - Response to BT-Drs. 19/28730), SpoPrax 2021, pp. 124-127
  • „Zulässigkeit von Wetten auf eSport-Ereignisse nach deutschem Glücksspielrecht“ (= Admissibility of Bets on Esports Events Under German Gambling Law), ZfWG 2021, pp. 128-137, with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties
  • „Das Versäumnis des Gesetzgebers in der Causa eSport und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Praxis“ (= The Legislator's Shortcoming Regarding Esports and its Impact on Practice), SpoPrax 2021, pp. 26-31, with Patrick Petschinka
  • „Das deutsche eSport-Visum (Teil II) - Eine kritische Analyse des § 22 Nr. 5 BeschV“ (= The German Esports Visa (Part II) - A Critical Analysis of § 22 No. 5 BeschV), LR 2020, pp. 276-283
  • „Das deutsche eSport-Visum (Teil I) - Eine kritische Analyse des § 22 Nr. 5 BeschV“ (= The German Esports Visa (Part I) - A Critical Analysis of § 22 No. 5 BeschV), LR 2020, pp. 266-275
  • „Die Anwendbarkeit des technischen Arbeitsschutzrechts bei spielbezogenen eSport-Tätigkeiten“ (= The Applicability of Technical Occupational Safety to Game-Related Esports Activities), RdA 2020, pp. 211-220, with Dr. Simge Kurt
  • „Grenzen der Vertragsgestaltung im eSport am Beispiel Tfue vs. FaZe Clan“ (= Limits of Contract Drafting in Esports Based on the Example of Tfue vs. FaZe Clan), in: eSport-Recht – Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog“, 2020, pp. 209-247, with Max Wörner
  • „Der Arbeitnehmer im professionellen eSport (= The Employee in Professional Esports), NZA 2019, pp. 865-870, with Prof. Dr. Johannes Peter Francken and Philipp Schlotthauer

Our cooperation partners 

The Student Assistants

of the FeSR

The Former Members of the FeSR



After studying law at the University of Augsburg, Dr. Nothelfer passed the First Law Exam with state honors in 2016 and subsequently worked as a research assistant at the chair of Prof. Maties until 2021. He is currently working at the law firm SKW Schwarz and is completing his legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court (Hamburg).

  • Other activities

    Dr. Nothelfer is a lecturer at the International University of Monaco, the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economia in Madrid and Barcelona, the Verwaltungs- und Wirtschafts-Akademie Ostbayern/Schwaben as well as guest lecturer at various leading (inter)national academic institutions like the University of Vienna. From 2017 to 2020, he served as a member of the 25th and 26th faculty council and as the institute coordinator for civil law mid-level teaching of the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg as well as a member of the academic council of the University.

  • Activities regarding Esports

    Dr. Nothelfer works, researches and lectures i.a. in the areas of civil, labor/employment and gambling law with a focus on esports and gaming as well as (traditional) sports. He is co-founder of the FeSR, the Esports Research Networks as well as the scientific advisory board of the German Esports Federation. Furthermore, he was an editorial board member of the International Journal of Esports and an editorial board member as well as editor of the German legal journal for Sports and Esports Law in Practice. In addition to his work for SKW Schwarz, he advises various (inter-)national stakeholders in esports, gaming, sports and politics (e.g. the European Parliament or European Lotteries).

  • Selected Publications on ESports

    • „Defining and Spelling Esports”, Routledge Handbook of Esports, 2024, p. 6-18 with Dr. Seth E. Jenny und Dr. Nicolas Besombes
    • „Eine Einführung ins E-Sport-Recht - Kennzeichen der Branche und rechtliche Implikationen“ (An Introduction to Esports Law - Industry Characteristics and Legal Consequences), E-Sports-Management Handbook, 2024, p. 41-72 with Dr. Philipp Schlotthauer
    • „Die Inkorporation des eSports in das deutsche Rechtssystem – Definition, rechtlicher Status Quo und Regelungsansätze” (The Incorporation of Esports into the German Legal System - Definition, Legal Status Quo and Regulatory Approaches) (Doctoral Thesis)
    • „Background Analysis on Esports“ for the European Parliament, 2022, with Dr. Tobias M. Scholz
    • „Policy Recommendation on Esports“ for the European Parliament, 2022, with Dr. Tobias M. Scholz
    • „Die Verletzung der Wettkampfintegrität im eSport durch Umgehen spielinterner Ranking-Systeme“ (= The Violation of Competitive Integrity in Esports Through Circumventing In-Game Ranking Systems), SpoPrax 2022, pp. 341-347, with Daniel Trunk
    • „Virtuelle Sportsimulationen in verbands- und rechtspolitischer Hinsicht” (= Virtual Sports Simulations in the Context of Association and Legislative Policies), SpoPrax 2022, pp. 66-72, with Daniel Trunk 
    • „(e)Sport im rechtlichen Sinne und privatrechtliche Beziehung zwischen Clan und eSportler“ (= (E)Sports in the Legal Sense and the Relationship between Clan and Player under Civil Law; already in 2nd edition), in: E-Sport – Status quo und Entwicklungspotenziale, 2. Ed. 2022, pp. 49-80, with Philipp Schlotthauer
    • „Wetten auf eSport-Ereignisse in Deutschland und Österreich“ (= Betting on Esports Events in Germany and Austria), SpoPrax 2022, pp. 20-25, with Patrick Petschinka
    • „Der sozialversicherungsrechtliche Status von E-Sportlern“ (= The Status of Esports Players under Social Security Law), NZS 2021, pp. 918-922, with Christian Koops
    • „eSport im Fadenkreuz der Sportwettensteuer – Eine Analyse des § 15 RennwLottDV-E“ (= Esports in the Crosshairs of Sports Betting Tax Regulation - An Analysis of § 15 RennwLottDV-E), SpoPrax 2021, pp. 116-123, with Dr. Lennart Brüggemann
    • „Die Bundesregierung zur Förderung des eSports in Deutschland – Antwort auf BT-Drs. 19/28730” (= The Federal Government on the Promotion of Esports in Germany - Response to BT-Drs. 19/28730), SpoPrax 2021, pp. 124-127
    • „Zulässigkeit von Wetten auf eSport-Ereignisse nach deutschem Glücksspielrecht“ (= Admissibility of Bets on Esports Events Under German Gambling Law), ZfWG 2021, pp. 128-137, with Prof. Dr. Martin Maties
    • „Das Versäumnis des Gesetzgebers in der Causa eSport und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Praxis“ (= The Legislator's Shortcoming Regarding Esports and its Impact on Practice), SpoPrax 2021, pp. 26-31, with Patrick Petschinka
    • „Das deutsche eSport-Visum (Teil II) - Eine kritische Analyse des § 22 Nr. 5 BeschV“ (= The German Esports Visa (Part II) - A Critical Analysis of § 22 No. 5 BeschV), LR 2020, pp. 276-283 
    • „Das deutsche eSport-Visum (Teil I) - Eine kritische Analyse des § 22 Nr. 5 BeschV“ (= The German Esports Visa (Part I) - A Critical Analysis of § 22 No. 5 BeschV), LR 2020, pp. 266-275
    • „Die Anwendbarkeit des technischen Arbeitsschutzrechts bei spielbezogenen eSport-Tätigkeiten“ (= The Applicability of Technical Occupational Safety to Game-Related Esports Activities), RdA 2020, pp. 211-220, with Dr. Simge Kurt
    • „Grenzen der Vertragsgestaltung im eSport am Beispiel Tfue vs. FaZe Clan“ (= Limits of Contract Drafting in Esports Based on the Example of Tfue vs. FaZe Clan), in: eSport-Recht – Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft im Dialog“, 2020, pp. 209-247, with Max Wörner
    • „Der Arbeitnehmer im professionellen eSport (= The Employee in Professional Esports), NZA 2019, pp. 865-870, with Prof. Dr. Johannes Peter Francken and Philipp Schlotthauer

Our cooperation partners in alphabetical order:

Baker McKenzie

Baker McKenzie is one of the largest law firms worldwide advising in all areas of business law. Thereby a special focus lies on the topics globalization and digitalization. For instance, the law firm is the main sponsor of "Reinvent Law", the first Legal Innovation Hub in Continental Europe. Within the Technology, Media and Telecom industry group, Baker McKenzie has focused, among other things, on the video games industry, which has grown significantly in economic importance in recent years.

BluePort Legal

BluePort Legal is one of the leading sports boutique law firms in Germany. The firm provides advice to federations, leagues, clubs and athletes from the entire sports industry including football, handball and basketball. Esport belongs to the field of activity for years as the law firm advises some of the leading esport organizations on various legal aspects such as commercialization as well as employment and transfer of players.

Esports Research Network 

The ERN is an international and interdisciplinary association of esports researchers and was initiated by academics from Jönköping, Tampere and Siegen. The aim is to connect researchers from all over the world and thus enable collaborations so that the research field of esports can be developed in a thorough and interdisciplinary way. In its current form, esports is a novel phenomenon made possible by digitization and thus represents an intriguing and relevant case study for the digitized world. Topics in esports can therefore provide a glimpse into the future challenges of a digital society. The research results in esports thus can help to advance society in other areas as well.

G2 Esports

G2 Esports is one of the leading entertainment assets in esports, bringing together some of the best competitive players in the world and biggest personalities in gaming. The club was co-founded by legendary League of Legends player Carlos ‘Ocelote’ Rodriguez, and veteran esports entrepreneur and investor, Jens Hilgers. Driven to elevate entertainment in esports, G2 has collaborated with the best partners, created top-of-the-line merchandise, developed unique and groundbreaking content, and enabled its players to surpass all obstacles to compete at the highest levels. G2 Esports is, and has been since inception, one of the most successful esports clubs in the world.

HLB Schumacher Hallermann

HLB Schumacher Hallermann is a law firm in Münster that combines legal advice and science. Its core competence includes national and international tax law. The firm has long-standing experience in advising domestic and foreign clients on tax law as well as in litigation before the fiscal courts and the German Federal Fiscal Court. A particular focus is on tax issues arising in connection with eSports, computer games and gambling.

Institut für eSports 
Hochschule für angewandtes Management

The IES is the leading competence center in esports and is a member of the International University Network. It operates as a consultant, qualifier, performance optimizer, analyst and researcher. It provides strategic support to teams, clubs, associations, companies, media and individuals. It offers certificate programs specifically tailored to the esports market and is responsible, among others, for the industry-focused degree program "Sports Management with Industry Focus Esports Management". In studies, it deals with practical topics related to esports.

LHR Rechtsanwälte

LHR is one of the leading law firms in Esports. The law firm LHR has been advising players in Esports for more than five years. In addition to players, agencies, clubs or organizations, LHR also advises sponsors on all relevant issues of Esports law, with drafting of contracts being one of the main activities. From 2018 to 2022, LHR was the owner of the Esports organization TEMPERED FATE. The LEAGUE OF LEGENDS team of TEMPERED FATE was established in the German-speaking region as an integral part of the highest gaming leagues.

Since 2022, LHR is co-owner of the Esports organization ANGRY TITANS. The Female and Male-VALORANT teams of ANGRY TITANS also operate in the highest gaming classes in the German-speaking region.

LHR also cooperates with other Esports agencies and Esports organizers.

MELCHERS Rechtsanwälte

MELCHERS has many years of experience in advising clients in the entertainment sector with a special focus on the world of sports and the increasingly important esports market. The experts of the practice group " Sports & eSports" have, in addition to the relevant specialist knowledge, valuable experience in the cooperation with national and international sports associations and authorities as well as in dealing with sports jurisdiction. The integrated practice group "Gambling Law" enjoys an international reputation and is one of the best addresses in Germany. The esports team can always draw on their many years of experience with regulatory developments.

SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte

SKW Schwarz accompanies national and international clients in all legal questions of the esports sector. The law firm combines its many years of practical experience in the areas of information technology and media & entertainment in order to meet the special requirements of esports. The firm bundles its activities in consulting, academic literature and bringing together industry representatives in event formats in an interdisciplinary focus group for esports.

Sportrecht und E-Sportrecht in der Praxis

Sportrecht und E-Sportrecht in der Praxis (SpoPrax) is a legal journal published by Hygge Verlag Karlsruhe since 2021. It contains academic articles, practice-related papers and reviews of court decisions on all legal issues in the sports and esports area. In addition, it informs regularly about events relevant to sports law and their essential contents as well as about new ideas and analyses from the entire area of sports and esports law.

Stadler Völkel Rechtsanwälte

Stadler Völkel Attorneys at Law is a business law boutique that also specializes in esports and video gaming law. The firm advises various Austrian stakeholders within the esports industry, including tournament organizers, esports organizations and esports athletes, as well as betting operators.

ver.di München & Region

ver.di is the second biggest labor union in Germany and represents almost two million employees in the public and private service sector as well as selfemployed persons. ver.di represents and promotes the economic and ecological, social, professional and cultural interests of its members in Germany and abroad. In doing so, ver.di is committed to the principles of the democratic and social constitutional state. ver.di is independent of employers, state organs, parties and religious organisations.

Our associated researchers

Our associated researchers in alphabetical order:

The associated researchers of the FeSR in alphabetical order:

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