Research projects

Research projects

The FeSR is committed to contributing to the development of esports through its research. In the long term, the goal is to achieve full coverage of research in all areas of law. A large number of renowned researchers from all areas of law have already expressed their interest in research in bilateral discussions. Currently, the focus is on civil law, labor/employment law and criminal law.

Below you can find the research projects that are currently in progress.

Civil law and labor/employment law

From a civil and labor/employment law perspective, the esports phenomenon combines numerous legal aspects into a highly complex situation. Simultaneously, esports is confronted with the legal problems of the digitized world of work ("new work"), sports law and international law. First, fundamental questions arise, such as which law is applicable in the individual situation or whether eAthletes can be qualified as employees. In this context, the relationships between the parties involved under the law of obligations and corporate law play a particularly important role.


    Criminal Law

    In criminal law, esports is characterized by a combination of a whole range of complex legal issues. For example: How can betting fraud, gambling manipulation and money laundering be effectively prevented? Can individual gaming functionalities conflict with the criminally protected Glücksspielstaatsvertrag (State Treaty on Gambling)? Do esports providers and associations need compliance guidelines or codes of ethics in order to prevent abuse of their platforms and thus liability and damage to their reputation?

    Tax law

    The non-profit status of esports is one of the most discussed issues in the esports industry. However, in addition to this topic, which is very important for the formation of associations, there are also many other aspects of tax law that need to be examined. For example, it must be clarified how to tax eAthletes' entry fees, prize money and income from sponsoring and streaming agreements. The fact that esports competitions are often held globally causes particular difficulties as international tax law must also be taken into account.  


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